I'm not sure any of you noticed, but I just added a cool little feature on the sidepanel of my blog! It's called a label cloud...and it sorts the labels you tag your blogs with in a fun unique way! instead of a list, or a pull down menu, you can vary the labels by size, and color! It does them all automatically! Pretty sweet I think...
Blogger Label Cloud Info
click on that link to get all the info! Easy to follow and install!
have fun!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
cool new feature!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
UGH....killer headache!
Hi all...I had intended to post tonight, but the back right quarter of my head feels like its going to explode. AND this headache has been plaguing me all day long! so this will be short!
but I had to tell you about this...
I was at church on Saturday for a Youth Specialties youth workers training convention-type-thing. Close to a few hundred people showed up to learn how to better impact students lives for Christ. It was great. Really! They had some great tips and such....but the real reason I mention it is because there was a guy behind a table scattered with stickers (shaped like a closed fist) and behind him hung a banner that said "Bite Back." I had to do a double take. Seriously? What on earth was that!? It definitely caught my attention (as intended), but I never really had the chance to talk to him-the guy behind the table, but in front of the banner- because I left early. Zach mentioned it later and clued me in as to the message behind the eye-catching phrase.
A new division of Compassion International, this "Bite Back" campaign basically has an agenda to end Malaria. 750,000 children die each year of malaria in Africa, that's a child every 30 seconds...a simple mosquito net could stop this. Just $10 buys a net that could save a childs life! It's an ambitious goal, but honestly, I believe that we, as Americans, could take a HUGE bite out of the malaria scene. Imagine if everyone in So. Cal alone donated $10 to make a difference in another country. The turn-out would be amazing. People, and kids especially, could have a fighting chance! I don't know about you, but if for three (out of my 8 or so) trips to Starbucks a week I got just regular coffee...instead of a triple grande blah blah blah latte, I would have saved almost $ 10 bucks, and have the chance to help someone! That's not cutting out my caffeine addiction, it's not even depriving myself....and when I think about how much of a difference that could make, it's such an easy decision!
In the time it took you to read this post...3 or four African children have died from this miserable disease...
...so, help end it! click on either of these banners to get to the BITE BACK site...watch the video, read the mission statement...and donate $10 bucks... please? these kids need our help! and if a few dollars here and there is all it takes...why even hesitate?
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
more is on the way!!!
Mexicali info is coming...as is a life-update...but not just yet! ;)
In the meantime...here's the slideshow from the winners of the academy awards for Studio 22! Enjoy!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Mexicali: the trip in a nutshell
Anyone reading my posts over the last month or so knows that over Easter Break (thats my rebellion to the p.c. culture and the title "spring break") I'm heading down to Mexicali with the high school group from our church. Azusa Pacific University has a Mexico Outreach program that has been around for years. Annually, the week before and the week after Easter, a cow field in Mexicali is occupied by the tents of a couple thousand high school students and adults. We are heading down the day before Easter, and spending the entire week loving on the people in some darkened communities of the "suburbs" of Mexicali. Our mornings begin with blaring music from the over-head speakers, a trip-roll of toilet paper in hand-to the banos, grabbing breakfast from the kitchen (usually muffins and cereal for me), brushing our teeth and washing our faces from the water jugs perched on the edge of a table which straddles a 6 foot deep hole in the ground. That's right folks! No running water, no real bathrooms. Sleeping in tents, in the dirt. If you're lucky, you won't be the one with the tent right next to the "spit pit," if you're not, you're awake with the earliest in your camp. For some of the OC high school students, it's a trip of total sacrifice of comfort (and thats all they can think about), for some it's an eye-opener as to the fact that not everyone thinks that staying at a Motel 6 is "roughing it," for others it's a chance to make a difference in the world...but for everyone it is a trip that changes their lives. Regardless of the varietal expectations previously conjured up in the minds of the attendees, each individual comes home with a fresh perspective on their lives, and feeling of humility when it's realized how much a good, long, hot shower actually means.
Here's the breakdown...
We head south out of OC and across the border to Mexico...thankfully, when we get there our tents have been set up and our camp-grounds staked out by the fabulous "tent crew" that preceeds our arrival. We settle in and have an evening of adjusting to the camping lifestyle...
In the morning, after an inspiring chapel service we are ready to roll out and conquer the world for Jesus! Or at least our villages. We pile into our vans, head to our respective villages, and begin the day. VBS and crafts with the kids in the villages, Bible Studies with the adults, and just spending time ministering to, and loving on the people who occupy these areas are our main goals. Endless games of soccer, and tag are played, hours of jumping rope and giving piggyback rides are to be had. Each of the students usually bonds (specifically) with one or two of the children in their village, making goodbyes at the end of the week tearful, and heartwrenching. Often, at some point in the week, we have a meal with the people in our village. Inevitably there is a night, or morning, church service held by the village in which your days are spent. We leave our villages late in the afternoon, with the hope of stopping at WalMart (or better yet, the showers) before needing to get back to camp in time for dinner. Another inspiring chapel service is held, and after a little time of whole team bonding, we hit the hay, or should I say, dirt. Our chapels consist of a praise team that leads us in worship, and a speaker who twice daily reminds us of the love our Savior has for us, and in turn the love we need to bestow upon others. (granted, depending on the year, and the speaker this message is slightly altered...but you get the idea.) Honestly, however good and inspiring, they are difficult to sit through. The morning chapels happen after breakfast and most years it's already getting ridiculously hot when you're sitting in a beach chair under the open sun. The night chapels happen after dinner...and while I definitely always look forward to them, you're tired from a long day, and sometimes, it's all you can do to not fall asleep! The week is long, and dirty, and physically exhausting, but there is not one thing I would change about it.
This year, we are taking about 110 people with RDFC...about 20 of those are adult leaders and translators. The remaining 80-ish are students who have given up their week-long respite from the stresses of student life to serve Christ in another country. We divide up the entire group into 2 drama teams, and send about 15 people to each of our villages. It is truly a life-changing experience. All four years I was in high school, this was not only the means by which I earned my community service hours, but also- and much more importantly- the week when I was reminded how blessed I am. I looked forward to helping change the lives of the people in Mexico, of course, but beyond that I looked forward to the people of my village helping to change my life. I know that sounds selfish, and perhaps, on some levels it is. But honestly, I would come home from Mexicali with a renewed sense of appreciation for what I have been blessed with and the reminder that what I felt entitled to was not the reality.
This year, I am a leader. I'm not going to lie....it's intimidating! There are 12 students on my team, and I'm partially in charge! I don't think I'm necessarily a spiritual leader, I'm not THAT much older than them, I don't even know that I'll have all the answers to these kids questions! But I am willing to try! Thankfully, Jeff Bell is the other leader on our team. He is an incredible man of God, and I am so very excited to be spending time learning from his leadership skills! I have known Jeff since I was in elementary school when he was a youth pastor at a local church...which my best friend's family attended. I babysat for his kids when I was in high school, and am good friends with his eldest daughter who is now a sophomore in high school. Jeff and his wife, Heidi, are on staff at Royal Servants which is a student missions organization. He has 20+ years of student ministry under his belt, and I am so stoked to doing ministry with him! Our team is headed to Loma-Linda Church. I have not yet been there on a team, but am looking forward to it nonetheless. In the coming days I will introduce you to my team members individually, and have specific prayer requests for our trip. In the meantime, would you pray for cohesiveness on the team? As with all teams, each in our group comes from a different walk of life, it would be wonderful if we could bond over the simple fact that we all love the Lord! :) Thank you!
I do believe, however, that I have given you quite enough material to read for tonight. So, sleep sweetly world...more to come tomorrow!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
i had a valentine!!!
I know I said I would write about this a week ago, but I really haven't had time. Lots of new and exciting things going on here, and it's been a lil busy!
For as long as I can remember, I've despised Valentine's Day. I have always been part of the school of thought that says, "it's just another day on the calendar...if you really love someone, you should show them daily...not just once a year!" I will admit that I always secretly hoped someone would sweep me off my feet, and change my opinion of the day of little naked cherubs and candy hearts with sayings the preempted texting slang. So, this year, for the very first time in my entire life, I had a real Valentine! Sure, I had a guy give me flowers a few years ago, he was really more of a friend, and we never really dated, I've always gotten those sweet kiddie Valentines from friends, and one year in high school, I even got a bracelet from someone, but this was different. I have a boyfriend this year, as I have in the past occasionally, but this was different even from other times. He actually planned the day for me, simply because he loves me! It was amazing! In the weeks leading up to the 14th, everytime I asked Zach what we were doing for V-day he would shoot back a comment such as, "when is that again?" or "I don't know, have you thought of anything?" But I just knew he had something up his sleeve, because I was told not to plan anything that day. The 13th, we arranged that he would be at my house about 10 minutes to 9am...(which really was 9am cuz he's usually about 10 min off.). So we parted ways after the first Mexicali Training, and attempted to each get to bed on the earlyish side. I was so giddy, I had no idea what had been planned, (I couldn't wait to find out) but even moreso, I was so excited that someone cared enough to actually think of something creative to do for me. I felt so incredibly loved! I'm gushing aren't I? O:) Anyway, I couldn't sleep. I was far too excited to dream restfully. I felt like a little kid the night before you're supposed to leave for camp, or vacation, or somewhere new...super antsy, and a little nervous, and excited all in one burst of emotion.
BOING BOING BOING...my alarm went off at 7:30 on Valentines morning. I jumped out of bed, straightened my hair, did my make-up, ironed my shirt (luckily I laid out my clothes the night before...otherwise I would have been a disaster!) At 9 there was a knock on the door, I opened it, with anticipation, to find my man, standing there with Starbucks in hand! Not just any Starbucks...one of my most favorite drinks...a triple-grande-nonfat-cinnamon dolce latte!! I grabbed my jacket, and purse and change of clothes for later (as I was instructed), and we jumped in the truck and headed to a surprise destination. **sidenote: Surprises and I really have a love/hate relationship. I love that someone thinks to surprise me, and feel totally loved, and blessed to have people that care enough to surprise me, BUT at the same time, I hate being surprised. I like, okay - love, to be in the know.** By the time we got halfway down State College I figured out we were going to the "happiest place on earth," and was thrilled! Especially since only a couple days earlier I had mentioned wanting to go to D-land sometime soon. However, we were not only headed to Disneyland, but really to Paradise Pier Hotel in Downtown Disney for breakfast! :) It was so much fun! Paradise Pier is totally Cali styled...and the PCH Grille (where we had breakfast) was so much fun! It was a character breakfast, so Lilo, and Stitch, and Goofy, and Minnie, all came out for hula lessons, and to hang with the kiddos. I'm such a little kid at heart, it was perfect! Stitch even tried to tell me he had "off-ed" my man, and was now my date....it was hysterical!!! The food was amazing! Everything you could think of was on the buffet line. Mickey shaped waffles, terriyaki glazed salmon, strawberries and whipped cream, omlettes made to order...yum!! We just sat forever and talked, watching the innocence of the children being enraptured by these real-life cartoons. It was a perfect start!
Followed by a wonderful afternoon! Neither one of us expected the parks to be very crowded, and because we have passes, we're a little snobish as to the amount of time (or lack thereof) we want to spend in lines. We hit a couple favorites, Space Mountain, and Indiana Jones (which was actually working, for once) before the lines got too long, then headed over to CA adventure to make jump on Screamin, Soarin', and the Sun-Wheel (the ferris wheel that has buckets that swing...its great for an unexpected laugh!)
We left before the crowds got out of hand, and ran a few errands winding up back at Zach's house. The original plan was that he was going to drop me off at home, and then come get me like an hour later but, due to outside circumstances, the plan was in need of amending. Instead, he left me in the truck for a few minutes, while he disappeared through the front door (keep in mind I have NO idea what's going on.) Just a few minutes later - although it seemed like an eternity-he came back, grabbed my hand, and led me inside. He had set a table! With red and white dishes and everything! All by himself! I was floored! I'm pretty sure I threw my stuff on the futon and wrapped my arms around him. He had gone, picked out the dishes, figured out how it would look best, and even got me roses. We hopped back in the car and went to pick up our food at Macaroni Grill which he had ordered the day before. (he even thinks ahead!) It was so perfect that we didn't have to wait to be seated, wait to get our food, surrounded by 200 other loud people in love. Valentine's crowds have always been a bit of an annoyance to me. He knows me so well he could order my meal perfectly...even when it was something I had never eaten there. We ended the day in each others arms discussing life and love. It could not have been more perfect! AND, of course, I have pictures to prove it! :)
the colors seem to have dulled a bit on these, but you'll get the idea...they are just from a p&s after all!
yum! my breakfast of strawberries, salmon, pinapple, and an omlette with ham, and mushrooms, and onions, and cheese!...and then there's Zach...who managed to fill, and empty his plate twice! Aren't the Mickey waffles adorable!?
Such a fun surf-city atmosphere! Goofy...hangin with the kidsmy Valentine and me! :) (yes, we matched...we sort of matched. Completely unintentionally....but we decided it was ok. After all, aren't you supposed to wear red on Valentine's Day?)
Stitch was conspiring to be rid of my date!...he thought he won me....no such luck!
Whoever plays Goofy is hysterical! Totally uninhibited!
We have this thing: being regulars of the park affords us the luxury of knowing where each camera sits, and therefore we usually plan our ride-pics when we first get on each ride...key word...usually. I kinda forgot this time...oops! But, I will say, his idea was pretty adorable!
I love Tower of Terror...that drop that jolts your stomach into your throat...even when you know it's coming...
Isn't this adorable!? We had talked about these signs and how perfectly they would go in my room a few days before V-day. He listens so well!!
My roses, a week later, are still gorgeously adorning my dresser as a daily reminder that I am loved!
**to all those guys (and girls) out there that say things like "he's going to give the rest of us a bad name," and "guys like him set the bar too high..." I say that's ridiculous! I was talking to Zach one time about a past experience along these lines and to that he said, "it shouldn't take any extra effort, or really any extra thought to do things for the person you love the most in the world." It's so very true! Seeing the one person you care most about smile, and making their day brighter by going the extra mile, or doing something out of the ordinary just because makes your life that much better! Whether it be writing a note of encouragement, or emailing a silly photo, or even stopping by work, their fav coffee in hand....go make your loved one smile today...just because. Let them know how rewarding it is to have them your life.
** tomorrow (friday) I'm heading to Disneyland @ 10 to see one of my Mexicali team members, Miss Chelsie Bell, play with her orchestra in Carnation Plaza! More on my Mexicali team, and the upcoming trip over the next couple days! Then tomorrow night it's hopefully off to have dinner and see Vantage Point with Heidi and Tony!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
...i'm tired...
...sooo, I'll post about my Valentine's Day in the morning. As well as the high school event Zach and Mandi put on tonight. :) goodnight all...sweet dreams.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
oooo...I forgot...
By the way (and I'll post more on this later), I'm one of the leaders taking a team of high schoolers, with our church, to Mexicali over Easter break (march 22-28). So if ya'll could be praying for the students, and leaders alike, to be completely open to God's voice, that would be very much appreciated! I'll keep you updated, and introduce all of my groups members...just wanted to nudge that into everyone's prayers!!! thank you!
Hi friends!
It has been FAR too long since I posted! I don't have time to post now, though, I am going to sleep. I just wanted you all to know that there will be things to post soon! Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and for once, I actually have a REAL date ON Valentine's!!! I'm soooo excited! Zach has planned something (I have no idea what, he won't divulge that)...and he's picking me up about 9am...I'm hoping I'll be able to sleep! My mind is racing with curiosity, and anticipation!
Have fun tomorrow everyone! And, if you are one that does not have a significant other, remember God loves you! And His love is better than any earthly being could ever attempt to give!
Love love!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
just another day in paradise!
Ok, so maybe it's not quite paradise, but I'd say Santa Barbara is pretty darn close! It's definitely one of my most favorite places to spend a sleepy Saturday afternoon, that is for sure! Zach and I pulled into town around noon, and spent the entire day exploring, shopping, shooting, and just living! We had the Santa Barbara classic, Habit for lunch, then made the trip up to Java Jones for after-lunch coffee. Driving on the wharf was a new experience for the boy, as was the trip to "thousand steps" at sunset! After the sun was set, we head back up all those stairs (there aren't actually a thousand steps), we were off to Carp (to Katie's) for a fun night of fantastic company, very competitive Taboo, and yummy snacks, around 9:30 we excused ourselves and headed back to town to grab a bite at my favorite SB Italian spot before gettin' "on the road again." Smiling and being polite to the adorable older gentleman at the front door of Pascucci's paid off, he let us be seated (even though they were practically closed), and we had a fantastic dinner of their Bellagio pasta, and butterleaf salad. One more stop at Java Jones, a quick drive up in the hills to see the gorgeous lights below, and we headed home. Just in time too! It started to sprinkle on us when we left the restaurant!
Here are some of the pics we both took! Click on any of them for a slideshow!
**this guy was awesome! he smoked his pipe as though he had been doing it for years, BUT afterward, he was coughing like he'd never smoked a day in his life!
***I settled for the song by Chris Cagle for the slideshow because I couldn't find Tim's "just another day in paradise!"
Monday, February 4, 2008
please pray...
Hi everyone. I come bearing bad news. Please please please pray for this family!
There is a family of 3 in Colorado in the hospital due to an auto accident. And things are bad. The thing is, though, this family is a missionary family, and they were set to leave on February 12 for Cambodia. Andrea, Scott Sward, and their 18 month old, Issac (and a couple other missionaries, whom I don't know) were in a van on the freeway yesterday morning. There van was side swiped, they rolled, 2 people were killed, and the Sward family were all taken to the hospital with incredibly serious injuries. As of this morning, Issac was taken off life-support...he passed away, Scott is concious, and Andrea is critical, but stable. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers! God is good, and He can do anything, but sometimes, it's a little difficult to completely trust that! Their families need our support through prayers!
here are two articles on the accident, and the most updated information on the Friends Church SouthWest site...
News story on accident
News story 2
EFCSW update
Sunday, February 3, 2008
ok...so who, besides me, thinks its absolutely marvelous that the Giant beat the Patriots today!?!?!?! I love sports. No matter what every critic and skeptic say, there is always the chance that the unpredictable will happen! And when it does, it's GLORIOUS! :)
More tomorrow! I'll post some sweet shots from our day in SB!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Katie, Clouds, and...Smart Cars?
Sorry, that was a bit of a tangent, BUT there is a point! When I left the Freedom House, my weekend had been wonderful....and it only got better. Katie and I had a blast hanging out. Over nachos and drinks we caught up about our love lives, and business matters, and just life in general. It is so wonderful to share in someone's life where God is working so very vividly! I spent the night at her house, and headed back to the dreaded (except for the fact that my boy is here, that is) OC. Here are a couple shots from Katie's new apt, and the gorgeous sky after the incredibly violent storms...





these clouds are just beautiful! God paints gorgeous skies, doesn't He?


Ok, so I have a MINI Cooper, and I really didn't think cars could get any more ridiculous than that...I was so very wrong. This was the scene as I pulled off the 57 freeway in Brea....

The Euro Smart Cars by Mercedes have finally invaded the US...pretty soon, we're all going to be driving things that look like wind-up cars and Tonka trucks! Out with the Hummers and gas-guzzlers! In with the easy to destroy Hot Wheels! Oh Dear...