:) busy busy busy....
HCR 3, Box 601
Springville, CA 93265
the dreams, random abstractions and seemingly brilliant ideas of a girl wanting to explain her thoughts to those around her.
:) busy busy busy....
Cindy and Bruce Marshburn, along with their adorable kids (Drew, 12 and Madi, 7) opened up their home in Cedar Point, North Carolina to us for the week! Its beautiful here, and although its 10:30 pm, 80 degrees, and 85% humidity, I love it! Bruce and Caeser have been friends for years, so on this trip to the East, it only seemed right that we spend time with them! They have a beautiful home, and an awesome environment. More photos to come as adventures are had!
my new favorite thing.....a fully screened in back porch! there's a specific seat that I love...the swing. its sooo quiet out here!Bear....he recently got shaved...
(don't shave the bears...they don't like it!)
Cosmo, the Italian Greyhound...sooooo tiny! twig-likea few shots from the little town we visited today...
absolutely, hands down, the UGLIEST birds I have EVER seen!
Delaney, adjusting her hairLinda and Sid
a quaint old dock
i'm not really sure this drain is doing what its supposed to
haha, no one wanted to be in the pic
D's choke-hold on Sid
Drew and Madi....looking uncomfortable
what a name! "Salty Sheep Yarn Shop"
Church St. Deli....awesome sandwiches!
only in a small town!
black & tan. 'nough said.
This guy, in a gallery, had his little station where he carved, and painted beautiful wooden birds. Almost decoy-like!
is this not the epitome of the images that comes to mind when you think North Carolina? I LOVE black rocking chairs!
Drew, Delaney, Sidney, and Madi
shes just so sweet!
sisterly affection!
D with her HUGE (and upside down) goggles
cuuuute... lol
comments coming later!In Caeser's parents cul-de-sac
"On the road again..." We headed out to North Carolina...never been, and SUPER excited! :) It was a 6 or 7 hour drive...
an awesome old canoe....lol...or part of one anyway!
**you'll have to excuse the blurriness, and framing on lots of these! It was tough to shoot from the back seat!very quickly we headed into some nasty weather
at times, it was raining so fast and hard that we couldn't even see out the windshield. it was pretty scary
i love these trees!
the landscape is just beautiful! grand homes, small run down shacks, and everything in between...but all in the midst of the amazingly green fields!
a drive-thru florist? i couldnt resist
im not sure you can tell here, but in the photo the door is SCREAMING hot pink!
mmm...i love my fire escapes!
"hoggin up the road on my p-p-p-plower...chug-a-lug-a-luggin 5 miles an hour....on my international harvester!!!" ...country song
notice the shed in the left corner....those are license plates!